
Faith and Pride is an organization with one simple point: you can be Christian and Gay. It is run by a group of gay Christians, who have accumulated experience as Anglicans, Catholics, Christadelphians, Methodists, Non-Subscribing Presbyterians, and Presbyterians.

We’re not about arguing or putting down someone else’s view. We’re putting forward an alternative view.

– Andrew McFarland Campbell

From January 2012 until the end of 2013 we had a monthly social evening called Faith, Pride, and Chat, meeting at St George’s Parish Church, High Street, Belfast.

Since March 2014, we have been mainly providing support via this website and email as the founders, Andrew and John, moved to Gibraltar. We are looking at how best to support people in Belfast and Gibraltar. Watch this space for future developments.

Our branding and media is managed by John Carchrie Campbell.