Category Archives: Meetings

Public talk: “The Faithful Underground: 40 years of Christian and Gay witness in Northern Ireland”

Dr Richard O’Leary, a former Chair of Changing Attitude Ireland, and a former QUB academic, is giving a talk entitled “The Faithful Underground – 40 Years of Christian and Gay Witness in Northern Ireland” on Wednesday 10 February at 7.30pm in Queen’s University’s School of Politics, Room 01/005, 22 University Square, Belfast.

Richard said about the talk:

It recalls four decades of pioneering activism by Christian individuals and organisations, gay and straight, who I describe as the faithful underground. Our story begins in 1976 with the setting up of the Northern Ireland Council for Religion and Homosexuality and continues through to 2016 and Faith in Marriage Equality.  We hear how the faithful underground have endured marginalisation and discrimination and have challenged homophobic behaviour, especially from the leadership of the Churches in Ireland. The talk is largely based on eye-witness accounts, LGBT archives and Church documents. This hidden history serves as a reminder that the call for LGBT inclusion in the Churches is not a recent one but part of a decades long, courageous struggle for inclusion and equality.

James Alison, priest, author and Catholic theologian

James Alison will be addressing how best we engage with those who are opposed to the full inclusion of LGBT people in Church life.  The event is running in Belfast South Methodist Church, Lisburn Road, Belfast at 8pm on Wednesday 12 November.  The Church is near the junction with Adelaide Park:  look out for the “Agape Centre” sign outside.  Coffee will be available from about 7.30.

The speaker is a Catholic theologian and author, with books including Knowing Jesus and Faith Beyond Resentment: Fragments Catholic and Gay. His most recent project is Jesus the Forgiving Victim—an introductory course on Christianity for adults which is grounded in our humanity. Having formerly lived with the Dominican Order, he now works as a preacher, lecturer and retreat giver across Europe and South America.

He speaks of faith as ‘relaxing into God’s embrace’. A key strand of his work has been the givenness of sexual orientation—shaped by his own experience—and the future of the Church’s debate, about which he is optimistic. Described as ‘one of the most lucid and exciting theologians writing to-day’, he’s renowned for bringing fresh insight to familiar themes.

This event is jointly organized between Accepting Sexuality, Changing Attitude Ireland, and Gay Catholic Voice Ireland,

“Choosing a Same-Sex Partner” – talk by Malcolm Macourt

On Saturday 18 October, Changing Attitude Ireland is holding a public talk, “Choosing a Same-Sex Partner” at 1.45pm in St George’s Church, High Street, Belfast. The speaker is Malcolm Macourt, the author of a series of essays, Toward a Theology of Gay Liberation, that had a significant impact in the quest for inclusion in the 1970s. Malcolm returns to his native Belfast to speak about developments in faith and sexuality since.  He will talk about choice in sexuality and the blessing of same-sex relationships.

The event is expected to last about 45 minutes and coffee will be served afterwards, followed by a short communion service.  Changing Attitude members then retire for their AGM.

Full details are on the Changing Attitude Ireland website.

No Faith, Pride, and Chat this evening

Please note there is no Faith, Pride, and Chat meeting this evening, due to personal reasons.

Faith, Pride, and Chat this Friday

Don’t forget Faith, Pride, and Chat, our informal social evening, is taking place on Friday, 31 January at 7:00 p.m in Costa Coffee, Victoria Square. I will be wearing my pink Faith and Pride hoodie so you can recognise us. More detail….

Faith, Pride, and Chat this Friday (Updated)

We have decided to postpone today’s Faith, Pride, and Chat, because of the severe weather. It will now take place on Friday, 3 January at 7:00 p.m in Costa Coffee, Victoria Square.   More detail….

Faith, Pride, and Chat this Friday

Don’t forget Faith, Pride, and Chat, our informal social evening, is taking place on Friday, 28 November at 7:00 p.m in Costa Coffee, Victoria Square. Note this is a last-minute change of venue.  More detail….

Faith, Pride, and Chat this Friday

Don’t forget Faith, Pride, and Chat, our informal social evening, is taking place on Friday, 25 October at 7 p.m in Costa Coffee in Victoria Square. Please note this is NOT our usual venue. More detail….

Accepting Sexuality Annual Lecture: “Political Correctness gone mad or a Gospel imperative—changing attitudes in the Church and the world”

Accepting Sexuality’s annual lecture is on Friday 18 October 2013 at 8pm, at Belfast South Methodist Church, 238 Lisburn Road, Belfast, BT9 6GF.

The title is “Political Correctness gone mad or a Gospel imperative—changing attitudes in the Church and the world” and the speaker is Ruby Beech, Vice-President of the British Methodist Conference 2007-2008.

For more information, please contact

Accepting Sexuality is an informal group of Methodists, ordained and lay, working for the inclusion of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in the Church. Everyone is welcome to its events. 

Faith, Pride, and Chat this Friday

Don’t forget Faith, Pride, and Chat, our informal social evening, is taking place on Friday, 27 September at 7 p.m in St George’s Church on High Street. More detail….