Faith and Pride’s Response to the Conscience Clause Consultation

We have submitted our response to the DUP’s consultation on the Northern Ireland Freedom of Conscience Amendment Bill. Our response was based on responses we had to our own consultation.

Overall, based on the responses we have had, and an analysis of the proposed legislation compared to the teaching of the New Testament, Faith and Pride is opposed to the proposed legislation.

Read our response in full here.

The previous version of the response had a number of errors. Please see Conscience Clause response errata.

About Faith and Pride

Faith and Pride is an organization with one simple point: you can be Christian and Gay. It is run by a group of gay Christians, who have accumulated experience as Anglicans, Catholics, Christadelphians, Methodists, Non-Subscribing Presbyterians, and Presbyterians.

Posted on 27 February, 2015, in Conscience Clause, News and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. 6 Comments.

  1. Andrew, I fear you’ve goofed on Question 3. 66% of the respondents answered “Yes” rather than no and your summary table indicates “Unsure”, so I think you need to rewrite your answer. Also, the legend of the pie chart for question 4 is reversed.

  1. Pingback: The Conscience Clause: Concern for the Less Well Off in Society | Faith and Pride

  2. Pingback: The Conscience Clause: The Scriptural Position | Faith and Pride

  3. Pingback: The Conscience Clause: Jesus Key Message | Faith and Pride

  4. Pingback: The Conscience Clause: Discrimination is un-Christian | Faith and Pride

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